How it
In 2016 Romanian lawyer Monica Boța Moisin used the term "cultural intellectual property rights" in relation to protecting the rights of traditional “designers” and called for the recognition of Cultural Intellectual Property Law as a self-standing field of law.
According to this theory, cultural intellectual property rights are a new generation of rights designed to protect the intellectual work of artisans, craftsmen and craftswomen and to offer a form of compensation for their contribution to the survival of cultural heritage by transmitting traditional techniques and traditional cultural expressions from generation to generation.
For a Project to become a member of the Cultural IP Initiative, the following conditions must be met:
1. The Project recognizes the existence of cultural intellectual property rights of artisans, craftsmen and craftswomen, Indigenous People, Ethnic groups and local communities;
2. The Project creates cultural sustainability by participating in ensuring the survival of a craft or a traditional cultural expression and its transmission to future generations;
3. The Project creates positive social impact.

Candidates who fulfil the above-mentioned criteria can apply for membership, or be nominated for membership.
1. Submission of a Motivation Letter/Nomination
The Applicant or a Referee shall submit a Motivation Letter or a Nomination describing how is the candidate fulfilling the membership criteria.
What cultural sustainability actions is the Project engaged in?
How does the Project create positive social impact?
How is the Project collaborating with artisans, craftspeople, Indigenous people, craft communities and/or utilising traditional knowledge?
2. Submission review
The Application/Nomination is reviewed by a team composed of CIPRI Members, CIPRI Permanent Team members and CIPRI Advisory Board Members.
3. Personalised membership commitments
The selected Applications/Nominations are invited to join an onboarding process consisting of a series of cultural intellectual property and cultural sustainability mentoring sessions, introduction to our Cultural IP Network resources with the aim of developing together with CIPRI a series of short-term and long-term mutual commitments.
Due to our personalised, commitment based, free of charge membership policy CIPRI membership onboarding can last up to 6 months. For onboarding completion members sign a Commitment Letter to CIPRI.
We analyse submissions on a rolling basis. The next selection round is planned for August 2022.
Looking forward to welcoming you to our CIPRI family!