Focused on the 3Cs' Rule and the relevant terminology associated with the creative work of Indigenous and local communities, the Legal Literacy Campaign 'The 3Cs - Get Weaving!' ("the Campaign") shares interactive resources and information to guide best practices for ethical engagement in co-design and collaborations with Indigenous people and local communities.
We aim to shift mindsets and enable our audience to become informed participants in present and future discussions about drawing inspiration from cultural heritage and engaging in culturally sustainable collaborations with craft communities.
The Campaign is initiated, edited and designed by: Nicole Crouch (The Moral Motif), Mónica Parra (Madejandola), Shravani Deshmukh (Create & Protect IP Partners) and Monica Moisin, for the Cultural Intellectual Property Rights Initiative®. It is currently available in 7 Languages: English, Spanish, Romanian, Hindi, Marathi, Tseltal and Tsotsil.
THE 3Cs' Rule:
Consent. Credit. Compensation© (2017)

The 3Cs' Rule: Consent. Credit. Compensation© (2017) is a soft law, agreement-based framework for sustainable, fair and equitable relationships with Traditional Knowledge and Traditional Cultural Expressions Custodians who belong to Indigenous Peoples, ethnic groups and Local Communities (i.e. community, group or, if applicable, individuals).
The 3Cs stand for: Consent (Free, Prior and Informed Consent of the craftsperson, indigenous or local community), Credit (acknowledgement of the source community and inspiration) and Compensation (monetary, non-monetary or a combination of the two).
Authored by Monica Boța-Moisin in 2017 under the the Cultural Intellectual Property Rights Initiative®, the 3Cs' Rule is guiding best practices for fair and equitable engagements between Indigenous Peoples, ethnic groups, Local Communities and the fashion industry.
The 3Cs' Rule has been used inter alia for documenting TCEs and associated TK (see the Oma Traditional Textile Design Database© 2021), commercialisation of intangible cultural heritage elements, ethical framework for conducting fieldwork and academic research in various disciplines, policy-making and developing governance structures.
At the Cultural Intellectual Property Rights Initiative® we specialise in legal consulting, cultural sustainability strategy development and education at the intersection of law, fashion, intangible cultura heritage and biocultural diversity.
Reach out to us for support in implementing The 3Cs' Rule: Consent. Credit. Compensation© Framework (2017) for sustainable, fair and equitable collaborations and business models.


Helena Rojas from Mexico.
Helena is passionate about traditional Indigenous textiles and has been working both as a volunteer and as part of the team with some projects and not-for-profit organisations that work directly with Peoples of different villages from Chiapas; exploring, documenting and co-working on various creative areas. Currently Helena collaborates with the Chiapas Photography Project (CPP) as coordinator. Founded in 1992, CPP provides Indigenous women, men and children of different ethnicities the opportunity for cultural and artistic self-expression through photography. Simultaneously, Helena also works as a production management consultant on different projects and she is the local coordinator of the growing “Chiapas Maya Collection Project”.
CIPRI's Advocacy & Systems-Change work includes the creation and dissemination of legal literacy campaigns on the legal protection of Traditional Knowledge (TK) and Traditional Cultural Expressions (TCEs) and grassroots consultations with Indigenous People, Ethinc Groups and Local Communities.
As part of the regional dissemination strategy of the 3Cs’ Rule: Consent. Credit. Compensation© Framework (“the 3Cs’ Rule Framework”) in Latin America, the Campaign was translated in two Mayan languages, Tseltal and Tsotsil. CIPRI partnered with three members of Chiapas Photography Project (CPP)* and founders of Indigenous Women Photographers (MIF)* Juana López López (Tsotsil), Martha López López (Tsotsil), and Antonia Girón Intzín (Tseltal) for the translations, and got the support of Sna Jtz'Ibajom for translation review. The translation process was coordinated by Helena Rojas and Mónica Parra. Juana, Martha and Antonia are 3Cs'Rule Ambassadors in their communities in Chiapas, Los Altos region, Mexico and together with Helena were key team members in the Fieldwork and Consultations with Indigenous Artisans in Mexico, conducted by the Cultural Intellectual Property Rights Initiative® (CIPRI) core team in October 2022.

*Chiapas Photography Project (CPP) was initiated in 1992 by Carlota Duarte (Mexican-American artist and a member of the Society of the Sacred Heart, an international order of Catholic nuns) as part of her service to others. Realizing that communities have been photographed and represented by non-indigenous people, the project is to provide them with the use of photography for themselves, for their own interests, and thus the opportunity for cultural and artistic expression. Since its inception, several hundred women and men from different ethnic, religious and political groups have learned the use of photography s a means of personal expression. CPP has been a catalyst for other entities that promote and preserve indigenous photography and support for the development of independent photography activity. In 2017, Juana, Martha and Antonia who were active members of CPP and CPP staff, collectively decided to identify as Indigenous Women Photographers (MIF). Their interests incorporate the CPP goals and objectives. At present MIF is the core team, together with Helena Rojas, that carries out the original CPP mission. Activities include photography workshops for indigenous and ethnic groups in rural or urban areas, and activities for publications and exhibitions.
Campania celor 3c
în Limba Română
Join us on our mission of Crafting Change in the Fashion Industry (and beyond)!
Write us an e-mail at office@culturalintellectualproperty.com and tell us how you would like to get involved in The 3Cs - Get Weaving! Legal Literacy Campaign.
We asked our community to Get Weaving! and now we got to Keep on Weaving!